Use our work
Publishing Partnerships
We want as many people as possible to read our work and be able to act on it. That’s why we encourage other media (and occasionally NGOs) to use our journalism, spreading it more widely.
Unless we state otherwise, media organisations can republish an article from our site without charge, under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0. This allows you to copy, distribute and transmit the work for non-commercial purposes. You cannot make a profit from it; and you also cannot alter it, build on it, or transform it without our consent.
We ask that we are fully credited. This means that you must attribute the work to the journalist who wrote it and to Liberty Investigates. Our Creative Commons licence does not permit republishing of the images, graphics or video carried with the articles, unless where explicitly stated. If you have any questions, contact us.
We also enter publishing partnerships with media organisations to co-publish stories on the day of launch. Sometimes we produce a finished article; others, we collaborate more deeply in the longer term.
In all such agreements, we ask that our partners credit Liberty Investigates prominently in the story, offer a joint byline to the journalist, and link to our version of the joint story. All partners should agree on a publication date, and we must see final copy in advance as well as sharing right-to-reply responses.
If you would like to explore co-publishing with Liberty Investigates, please contact Investigations Editor Eleanor Rose.